Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And the Truth is....

Let us consider the following from our President:

"And the truth is, what's at stake in this debate, it's not just our ability to solve this problem; it's about our ability to solve any problem."

Pondering this statement, I began to wonder who determines the problems needing to be solved? According to recent surveys it would most certainly not be the American People, as the most recent Gallup survey clearly illustrates both Unemployment and the Economy weigh heavier on the collective consciousness. So, why then is our President so singularly focused on the Healthcare initiative?

Being obvious now whom is deciding which hill to mount next, I began to wonder what is the rationale regarding importance of the destination. Clearly the primary issues of today pose little concern. So then Perhaps, being a true visionary, our fearless leader is focused on tomorrow, rather than today.

It would seem, here too the evidence is to the contrary,  given that we are currently already in debt to China alone for nearly $890 Billion. A debt, which I might add, is a growing concern to the world community as concern over the impending collapse of our economy mounts. Of course, if that wasn’t cause enough for concern, perhaps the recent revelation that we may need a further loan of $2 Trillion to help cover impending budget deficit and new debt should be?
One can only assume though, that budget deficit cannot be front of mind with our President, as even the CBO has demonstrated that the current Healthcare initiative will have a net impact on the Federal Deficit of $1.043 Trillion. Surely, these facts have escaped his notice…

So what, then, is the truth? Is it that our President is not only unconcerned with both the current and future worries of the American People, but is actively working to make those burdens greater? Or could it simply be that this is not about “our ability to solve any problem”, but rather about one mans inability to solve a single one? The truth is we are watching a man struggling with all his might to justify his historical, yet unworthy appointment to the highest office in the land.
One must wonder, at what cost comes a legacy?


  1. Your avatar has been resized and is ready!

    Hahaha! Just realized that you have a homepage so I decided to be cheeky and say hi! :p


